Grief is soul sucking. Completely draining and grief found me in one of the quietest times of my life. Or maybe the grief helped create it? Hard to know what came first, but now rest and respecting my limits come first most days. I have chosen to rejoin the world in some structured ways, but even when showing up felt impossible I found ways to rest while being present.

Thank you for another reminder. Wishing you rest and restoration.

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I completely agree Amy. Grief leeches the world of its colour, everything feels so gray. :(

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Could not have asked for this to have popped into my inbox at a more perfect time. Thank you for the reminder and thank you for the connection. I needed this today. Sending love and healing thoughts for your lungs and body. ❤️

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Thank you for your kindness Rebecca! ❤️ I hope you get the rest you need ❤️❤️

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Thank you. I hope you do as well. ❤️

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I needed to read this - I often feel so guilty about resting, like I'm not being productive enough. As a new writer, this is especially hard - I feel like I need to prove myself and therefore write, write, write, when I would write better if I just gave myself a break, both physically and mentally. And I 100% agree that if you push your body too hard, it'll force you to rest by making you sick. Thanks for sharing this!

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The secret I give in all the workshops I teach is that even if you write one single line a day, but the end of the week you have 7 lines, which could be a poem! Be easy on yourself ❤️

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I love the advice from Anna Lamott too, where she keeps a one square inch frame on her desk and aims to just fill that everyday.

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I was in exactly the same space just over a year ago. I understand. As I took small steps to heal and move through my pain, the universe sent me support. People arrived into my life through yoga classes and even new colleagues showed up to help. It takes time, but every tiny move towards self love and compassion reaps rewards. You can do this 🙏🏻

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The best thing about yoga is how it makes you slow down and just breathe. Thank you so much for sharing this ❤️

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Wow there’s so clearly something imploring us as a collective to rest, coming through in the divine form of your words, and many others.

Personally I’ve had to look straight into the eyes of my own truth, which is to take planned rest every month so I don’t burn out.

I decided to publish on Substack 3 times a month instead of 4, and last week was my first planned rest week.

To some this decision would seem inconsequential but for me it’s been of HUGE significance to my self-worth and a bold statement of my devotion to undoing conditionings I did not willingly subscribe to.

Thank you for emboldening us all, to remember and keep remembering and prioritising rest.

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Sending you love, Sarina. So good that you have chosen yourself and rest! ❤️

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Such a timely read! I wrote this the other day https://emilytammam.substack.com/p/exhausted-with-grief . I have been trying to seize the moments for napping, for reading, for painting. But how to juggle the exhaustion and risk of burnout with a life that needs to continue. I shall continue to read your words. xx

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Thank you so much for sharing this, Emily! Naps should be a national policy. X

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Thank you for these needed words sending you light & wellness and time to heal

Be gentle with you

I needed this reminder again

I too let the world get far too heavy and dark & my body said no more

Slowly & gentle steps that is needed for so many


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Thank you so much for your gentle comment, Vanessa x

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Thank you Nikita for your beautiful writing and sharing. Love and healing back to you, in thanks for your wisdom.

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Thank you so much, Anjali! x

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Sending you huge love and rest ❤️❤️❤️

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❤️ thank you Lucy! x

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My dearest Nikita, I'm sending you love, comfort and healing. I'm sorry to hear about your health, I'm glad to hear you are resting, rejuvenating and filling your chalice in with deep breaths.

This note arrived in my inbox as a whisper of love from the universe. I work for a retail company, and the gnawing anxiety of losing employment and a source of income consumed me. I'd lay awake night after night over analysing things I did or said .. things I did or didn't do or should and should not have done, and I ended up so gravely ill. I'm already very sick, and this anxiety caused a storm in my body. Palpitations, oxygen, intravenous therapies, and hospital stays.. I'm still so triggered and anxious, but I'm going to meditate, breathe.. sleep and rest today. I know I am not alone, I know I have it in me to survive this.

I am so grateful to have this community, and I'm sending you and each soul here love, comfort and rest. My spirit gives you each deep gratitude. To rest, rejuvenation and self-love... <3

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I appreciate the gentle words as always Preeti! X

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This is perfectly timed - thank you. Grief is utterly exhausting, I forever feel like I’m just about pulling myself up to ground level before another wave of grief or bug or physical injury or hit of fatigue lands. And, of course, it’s all connected. Thank you especially for the reminder to be rebellious against the capitalist pressure of productivity. Wishing you deep rest. Xxx

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Sending you a hug. Grief is so difficult to navigate, someone once described it to me as climbing several mountain ranges at once with very little supplies and that has stayed with me. Xx

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Thank you so much for your reply 🥹♥️ xxx

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Rest, recuperation and allowing grief when it comes are all essential part of life. It seems to have been turned into a luxury item by our capitalist society. I’m glad you’re feeling better Nikita 💛

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So true. It feels like only some people are allowed to rest and that rest must be “earned” somehow. Sending you love ❤️

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thank you.

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❤️ thank you for the gentle comment

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I've been grieving for over two years now, and it feels as though it started just last night. It's such a difficult thing. Life will carry on, but with pain and no medicine to ease the symptoms. The suffering runs deep in my soul; it’s in my mind, my dreams, my waking moments, and my daily tasks. There is no peace once your loved ones have traveled to another world. Thank you for this very powerful text. ❤️

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I just completed a workshop on 'embodied rest' and have been thinking a lot about my own values and attitudes to rest. It's a complicated knot to untangle, but I do think I'm making some progress with it this year. I wrote a piece late last year about how I've been trying to understand the line between burnout and trauma, and it's nice to look back on it and feel that I'm a little bit further along the road towards ease.

Thank you for sharing Nikita. This piece really resonated with me 🙏

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Love the concept of reframing rest this way. I’m of course still guilty of treating rest like a shameful need, a thing getting in the way of my productivity.

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