The REST AS REVOLUTION Challenge, Prompt 7
A 7 Day Creative Challenge that will change your relationship with resting
Today is the final day of our rest as revolution challenge and if you’ve made it this far with me, I just want to say how amazing you are. You’ve explored your relationship with rest in a way that takes courage.
To go back and address what rest looked like to you as a child, what you were taught about resting and unlearning rest as “laziness” is in itself a hugely revolutionary series of actions. But to also be completely honest with yourself and truly listen to your body, then giving into what it wants from you? That’s progress, it’s change and it will lead you to a healthier happier you in every way.
Over this week, we have examined so many difficult things, especially the voices of our inner critics telling us that we are unworthy of rest. And we have made it to the other side, given ourselves the permission we need so we can rest (this is the hardest part for me till date!).
So for your FINAL PROMPT today, I’m going to ask you to do something seemingly simple but nonetheless it was the thing that actually changed my life when I first did it.
Get your journal and write a letter to your rested, happy future self. Write about everything you put in place so that your future self could be truly happy and peaceful. Write about all the unlearning you did and how you changed your relationship with resting and your body.
By writing this letter, you are actually creating this version of yourself as you write. You are giving yourself permission to exist as this version of yourself.
Wherever you are, I hope you know that you are worthy of rest. I hope you know that you don’t have to earn the right to rest, it is already yours.
Till our May creative challenge, this is me signing off.
With warmth and verse,